Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Rafa Benitez Liverpool Latest

Rafa continues his dead man walking tactic.
The saga of Rafael Benitez and Liverpool's American owners took a new turn this weekend. Reports have surfaced and continue to do so of Benitez expecting the sack. It's widely expected he will stay at Anfield to the end of the season at least, however if these stories are eminating from the Benitez camp, as they appear to be, this will just add to the bullets already loaded in the American's gun.

Counter reports are surfacing of Jose Mourinho 'being keen' on the Liverpool job, and of the Americans being impressed with Jurgen Klinsmann as a replacement. Further speculation has it that Benitez won't recieve the full amount of 6 million if he is dismissed, with Liverpool being sure to dispute it and of the view they are not bound to pay it.

As I've said before, it is fast becoming a season of death by a thousand cuts for Rafael Benitez. He seems to have happily adopted the 'dead man walking' approach as a retalitory tactic this weekend and this seems set to further antagnonise the American owners, George Gillet and Tom Hicks.

More worryingly is the consistent reports of Jurgen Klinsmann as a replacement. One mediocre World Cup campaign for Germany aside, he has no management experience at all. At the World Cup Germany had home advantage, and beat such world masters as Poland and Ecuador. Even the defeat of Argentina was only on penalties. Klinsmann smacks of a knee-jerk, glory appointment that Liverpool always avoid.

Martin O'Neill would be a much better appointment and if Liverpool don't get him Manchester United may well do.

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