Thursday, February 14, 2008

David Beckham losing his appeal

Goldenballs losing his touch as the Yanks get critical?

David Beckham and his American odyssey might just be running into a bit of trouble. After cancelling an interview with TJ Simers, who was California Sportswriter of the Year in 2000, Beckham has come in for some sustained criticism.

Simers writes: "The only thing going on with Beckham these days appears to be his underwear ad, which is just perfect for him because all he has to do is lie there and say nothing.

"Huge billboards will go up soon showing him with his chest bare: and isn't it always? - and his briefs appearing a size too small. You'd think a guy with as much money as he's got could find underwear that fit. "

Simers also criticised Beckham for his overall lack of impact on soccer in America, arguing that he has made little difference to the profile of the MLS in the States.

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