Monday, December 17, 2007

Liverpool scale back stadium plans

Plans scaled back as the global credit crunch claims another victim.
Liverpool have announced that the grand plans that were unveiled soon after George Gillett and Tom Hicks took over are to be scaled back.

Rick Parry, Liverpools chief executive is reported as saying that the new plans will still be a massive improvement on the original design and will still cater for upto 70,000 fans, however they will not be as grand as the futuristic designs the Americans originally requested.

It is thought the global credit crunch and the consequent rapid rise in the cost of debt has forced George Gillett and Tom Hicks into a rethink into how the project is financed.

This will disappoint many Liverpool fans and ordinary fan's limited understanding of global economics, will probably make them even more suspicious of their long term plans. There is already a perception on Merseyside that they are more talk than substance and this will do nothing to dispel that notion.

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